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Doug Hartz, CIR-ML, JD, MBA

Estate Manager

Doug has been working in the field of insurance regulation for more than 36 years. Prior to 1987, he advanced to Senior Systems Accountant for the US Department of Defense in Security Assistance. His expertise and experience span insurance regulatory oversight from licensing to liquidation, financial condition and market conduct, risk focused and solvency - analysis and examinations for all major lines of insurance.

He has been a deputy receiver, supervisor, expert witness, or consultant for about half of the state insurance departments. He has also held positions in the areas of financial regulatory examinations and analysis. He was Deputy Commissioner for Company Supervision for the Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner and was the Chief Examiner and Insurance Institutions Manager for the Oregon Division of Financial Regulation. He has been a member, chair, co-chair, and vice-chair on various NAIC Drafting, Sub-Working and Working Groups, and Task Forces. He looks forward to continuing his decades of effort to preserve confidence in insurance and its regulation and to continually improving the focus on those primary goals over merely keeping insurers out of receivership.

Doug resides and works in Blue Springs, MO. He is a member of the International Association of Insurance Receivers (IAIR) and Society of Financial Examiners (SOFE), Doug was first elected to the IAIR Board in 1992 and has served as an officer and IAIR’s fourth President in the ensuing years. He has held the designation of Certified Insurance Receiver Multiple Lines (CIR-ML) since it became IAIR’s highest designation. The requirements for this were sufficiently evolved, from the requirements he had initially drafted in the 1990’s for IAIR’s highest designation, that there was no ethical issue.